It just smacks you in the face, doesn't it?
I couldn't believe that it was time for me to start a new planner this week! I started this blog back in September of this year. I'm so thankful for those of you who have been reading along and encouraging me on this blog. Those of you who have been reading from the beginning have seen my initial vision -- my list of things to do/learn before I am 30. However, I've been feeling lately that I've already failed. I mentioned before that I feel like I've strayed from the mission. I haven't really crossed anything off of my list and I'll be 27 this coming year [man, that makes me feel old]. At this rate, I need to do/learn 10 things every year to catch up!
Then, I realized that my perspective was the reason that I felt like I've already failed. I tend to emphasize my failures and quit before I realize that each day is a new day to make progress. So, this year, I'm forsaking bad habits and picking up new ones! It's time to put procrastination and laziness aside. I want to see results! I know that it's common this time of year for people to make big, sweeping declarations and forsake them by February, but I am making declarations anyway. ;)
The theme of 2015 for me will be Consistency. I'm tired of failing in the follow-through. For my long-time readers, you've seen me go back and forth about my weight and talk about learning all of these new things, but I'm done with that. I've got to make each and every day count. This year, my main focuses will be on getting healthy, practicing photography, and blogging consistently. Pray for me, y'all. :)
What about you? Are there any habits that you need to leave in 2014? What about resolutions for the new year? I know it's cliche, but I love new beginnings :)