With a blog name like My on a Mission, the obvious questions that follows is,
"What's the mission?"
Simply put, this blog was created as a challenge to myself to put my money where my mouth is -- a charge to actually follow through on all the things that I have been saying I have wanted to do.
My hope is that through this blog I can learn to love and celebrate who I am and what I am becoming. Ultimately, I want to build confidence as I am able to cross each of these items off of my lists. My primary list will be my 30 before 30 list, but I'll develop and post a couple of short-term goal lists along the way. I've seen a lot of 30 before 30 lists floating around, but it seems that a lot of them include only grandiose ideas without much progress. I guess I have this assumption that 30 is the age where I should have come into my own. Although most women fear turning 30, I am embracing it with open arms. Watch out world!
Here comes My!