Monday, October 6, 2014

#21. Work on a Habitat for Humanity project

Happy World Habitat Day!

Today's post will be short and sweet. This may seem kind of like a random item on my list. Maybe it is *shrugs*, but I have been interested in getting involved with the Habitat for Humanity for a few years now. Maybe this follows some type of train of thought from yesterday's post about owning a home. There's just something about having a place to call your own.

Today seemed as good as any other day to look into this. Then, I also found out it was World Habitat Day, a day geared at raising awareness for those who do not have adequate housing across the world. As it gets colder outside, I find my heart going out to those who don't have a place to stay. Maybe it's this change in weather and the upcoming holidays that stir other people up to give back to others who are less fortunate. I'm not sure how soon I can volunteer or how much time I can commit,but I made the call. Hey, it's about progress, people.

What about you? Have there been any projects to which you've been meaning to commit? What steps are you taking now to accomplish your goal? Working on your own 30 before 30 list?


  1. "Working on a couple of papers from" what?

  2. Replies
    1. haha no prob I was just curious about what kind of stuff you might be working on in school.
