Friday, September 5, 2014

#11 Snatched {Eyebrows}!

Hey there, good-lookin'!

Sorry that I'm posting a bit later than usual. It's been a busy day, so let's get right down to it. Here is what I look like on a regular day with freshly snatched eyebrows. Snatched, is that still what the kids call it these days? *shrugs*. Anyway, I've come to realize that some people have a different perspective on this, and that's fine with me. I personally believe that getting my eyebrows done is the best thing I do for my face. I was talking to a friend awhile back about the fact that I was feeling kind of drab (actually about my weight) and frustrated with my look. She asked me what one thing might be that I find makes me feel beautiful and confident. I immediately thought of my eyebrows. I also remember they were looking kind of rough that day! :)

Now, quick disclaimer: I am in no way saying that you need to wax your eyebrows to look nice. I've met people who have really nice natural eyebrows and they are beautiful! I've also met people who have shaved their eyebrows and draw them on everyday. That's not my particular calling, but what God has for you is for you. I kid, I kid. Anyway, I feel like getting my eyebrows done just makes me whole face look more put together. 

However, I know people pay through the roof to get their eyebrows done. I found a place here in town that charges $8, so it's not bad, but I would love to learn to do them myself. I've seen a bunch of tutorials on Youtube, but I figured getting them done and then practicing keeping up with them will be a good way to start. Baby steps. As a side note, this little pulled back fro is my look for the day-to-day. BUT that's a post for another day :)

What about you? What one thing do you do that pulls your look together? Do you manage your brows yourself or do you pay the pound of flesh to have someone else keep them up? No judgment here. I've been there :)


  1. For me it's earrings, if that still counts. I know it's not a facial feature or anything but on the rare occasions when my piercing hole thingies are empty I feel like I look like a bum. I actually cannot remember the last time I didn't have any earrings on. Even when I go swimming I wear them. I've probably spent a lot of money building my earring collection over the years. As for my eyebrows, I don't go further than kinda smoothing them over in the mirror every morning. I had 'em done for prom, but it's just not my thing. By the way, I'm diggin your selfies! :)

  2. Haha earrings definitely count! I think even the simplest stud earrings can do a lot to pull an outfit together. I definitely feel you about feeling like something is missing if the earrings are gone. It's funny you should mention earrings. I've got a post about jewelry on deck this week for the blog. Stay tuned!
