Monday, September 1, 2014

Allow me to reintroduce myself

Allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is -- well, you can call me My.

Most of you have been here before [Hi, Dad!] because I started this blog yeeeears ago [I'm talking 2011] and struggled to maintain it. Enter the purpose of this blog. 

[My husband and] I have noticed a pattern in my life of making grandiose proclamations of goals and then failing to follow through. If you know me, some of you have noticed this pattern too. Anyway, I figured that it's time that I become a woman of my word. So that's where all of you come in. I've decided to go public with this because I want you all to know about the goals I am trying to achieve. I'm sure at some point, I will need to be called out [in love] for straying off track. I also covet your prayers along the way. I know I can't accomplish this on my own strength. So let's dig right in. Here is the list:

Lose 50 lbs. by the end of 2014

Memorize a book of the Bible

Photograph every day for 365 days

Purchase and decorate our first home

Go out for a night of dancing with my husband [learn to dance]

Host a Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner [learn to cook]

Make a tulle skirt [learn to sew]

Run the Virginia 10-miler

Swim in the ocean [learn to swim]

Write letters once a month to long-distance friends/family

Tame my own eyebrows

Find the perfect red lip look

Graduate from the Master of Arts in Professional Counseling program 

Learn to shoot a gun

Take self defense classes

Learn to do a french manicure and pedicure

Reach a 6 on the Big Hair Bettyy Length check t-shirt [learn to care for my hair]

Start and maintain a blog

Give birth naturally [become a mother]

Learn to type [correctly] and speed read

Build or rehab a piece of furniture

Rollerblade through a park

Host a dinner party

Ride in a hot air balloon

Rock a job interview

Begin a career in my field of study

Become fluent en espanol

Photograph a stranger

Travel to Europe

Plan a 30th birthday bash

September seems like a pretty random month to get started, but if I'm gonna make a change, it's got to start nowOne of these days, I'll get it right. I'll look back to this post and be grateful for the day that I started to take my goals seriously. I've already been able to cross off some items off of my Apartment to-do list since I first launched this blog. I've also added a few things :). You can check that out here. I'll have before and progress pictures to post by the end of this week. (hold me accountable for the follow-through)

I know this was a wordy post so thanks for hanging with me. I plan to include more pictures and fewer words. For the next 29 days, I'll flesh out each one of these goals for you while we get acquainted.  I'm so excited about this journey and delighted that you've chosen to come alongside me.